Decision-making and planning tools

Speak Up and be Safe from Abuse Decision-Making Resource

This resource has been developed for people who are providing direct support to people with communication support needs. It is an interactive PDF that allows the user to access a list of recommended resources according to the communication style of the person who they are working with, and the situation that they need the resource for.  

Download the Speak Up and be Safe Decision-Making Resource 

Watch a video about how to use the Speak Up and be Safe from Abuse Decision-Making Resource


Planning tools

These planning tools can be used to help decide and document which abuse prevention strategies will be put into place for individuals . These planning tools are aimed to:

  • Guide planning for abuse prevention strategies in all relevant areas for people with communication support needs
  • Provide a resource for clearly documenting which areas will be addressed
  • Recording key individual considerations for having a conversation about abuse and neglect

Speak Up and be Safe from Abuse Prevention Plan

Speak Up and be Safe from Abuse Communication Plan


Fact sheets

Get information on:

  • where to get support
  • more information in plain language and Easy English from Australia and overseas

Fact sheet - where to get support

Fact sheet- more information